Produkty: Woo Woo Cruise Tom


Sometimes in your career as a music journalists you encounter a group that know their place in the world. They stake out their claim and they stand across is with both their feet firmly on the ground, weapons ready to defend the truth of their identity. One such group is Produkty. I do not award stars to bands, they are not small children in the need of baubles, but if I did I should give Produkty five. Three of them would be of the finest jade, one an opal and the last one a dark stone without a name, a nameless gem of original beauty.

Tom Cruise Woo has a line that created true friction in my blood. A friction that heated every vein in my body. It warmed me to the point of discomfort.

I cannot share that line. It refers to the pictures on the wall on the homestead of a lost lover. A place from which one has escaped. Fled to liberation. The words hurt me but they speak of freedom, crashing out of the cemetery.

Listen to this band. Pay attention. Listen most carefully. Sit at the front. But do not stare, that would be rude.
