With apologies for using a clip from facebook.
Watching the Italian TV clip took my down a deep swirling rabbit hole of choreographed sneers, bad leather and neon. So much neon. I ask - can any band have a tribute band? Is there any genre or style that people will not pay to watch someone photocopy emotion?
It should be no surprise that Gary Numan has a tribute band. He may have seven. This is the one I found. The video shows competence. Authenticity. But to echo a comment I made previously about another tribute band, although a tribute band that included the original member, I stopped playing when I saw Fake Gary Numan introducing the band and asking the watchers, the observers to clap for them.
There, the wall of authenticity crumbles. We career from our precious memories to the moment. From a recalled night of bright lights and thunderous bass and a distant artist creating something to a sweaty disco with meat puppets doing power-karaoke.
God knows, Gary Numan has faults. Three at least. Maybe 11. But I cannot imagine the original Numan, in his heyday, break character and thank his keyboard player. There the club singer aping a performer allows the mask to slip.
I use this expression carefully and with a little reluctance.
Update: There is another band in Ohio called The Liquid Engineers. They are far worse. That makes me happy.
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