Be My Produkty, Ghost

I am excited. I am allowed to attend a gig this weekend, provided Ted will agree to take me. Produkty play on Saturday with two other bands that I don't know, but I will soon, and perhaps I shall review them too. I do not review a band twice but that rule is now toasted and torn.

So here we go again.

This is my favourite Produkty song. They may not play it on Saturday, but I hope they shall. It is mangles and messes.

At its heart is a beautifully crafted pop song from the best songwriter that never escaped Leicester. Irony, charm, venom and a tight arrangement. It might be a minute too long, but all songs are too long. At least this one is good for the extra minute.

It has a dash of Elastica. I do not mean that as an accusation or a criticism. The guitar, the sublime bass riposte, the brutal beat. This reminds me of all the reasons I will go back and listen to the Elastica album right now. Well, after I have played Be My Ghost one more time.

It is beautiful. I said that before, but not enough things are. 

Poetry, rock and death.
