I have so many reasons to like Her Burden. Allow me to enumerate them.
They are from Leicester, and one should always support one's adopted home city.
They are fresh faced boys, with strong limbs and handsome aspect.
They describe themselves in ways that include the word punk.
They have a name that hints of an awareness of gender politics,
Ah... rewind reader, rewind. They describe themselves as "Alt" and "Punk."
They play fresh pop, it has all the right parts in all the right places. But it is about as punk as a packet of dry pasta. Which is to say not very punk.
If I took a pack of dry macaroni and told everyone it was punk pasta, it would be about as punk as this band.
So in absolute terms Her Burden are pretty good. They clearly have support, they even have a photo of the crew that helped make their video. Not a very punk crew.
But in the terms in which they describe themselves they are an utter failure.
The end.
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