Be so careful what you wish for. I Am The Unicorn Head made something truly moving and beautiful with their tribute to David Bowie. I played it many times. I think I reviewed it, the days all blur somewhat. I wanted them to make another. Make another one like that one. the same but just a touch different. Do not make something new. I wanted more.
They did not meet my needs. This song is clearly from the same biological soup. There is no doubting the parentage. That almost delicate subtlety to their sound. their fingerpint.
But BFF is no David Bowie. Except. Except. I should stop comparing their songs, it is unfair, but indulge me. They write songs that they themselves call ear-worms. I hate ear worms. I hate having my head invaded and made to repeat a song over and over and the design of another. But oh how sweetly they persuade me to listen. How many times in the hours that follow do I hear the hook again. Do I think I shall play the video just once more.
This is indie music. Wilfully obscure, and yet it delivers the kind of pure pop that just is not being made anymore. Brilliance.
Now I have to hope the next song will be more of the same. Indulge me. My needs are simple. Give me another dose.
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