I am fascinated by the impact of music on my physical recovery. The candidate for this therapy is by Golden Plates and they call it Serotonin Syndrome.
Why did I pick it?
Well I will give you the real answer and then I will spin my wandering words. I picked it because of the lyric "for the first time in a long time I feel free." I was listening ten days after making walking a part of my life and my knees still repent of this new gift every day and make my eyes stream but this song touched me and for a moment I cried because of emotion rather than pain. Golden Plates have done that to me before, they find a small parallel of your brain and infect it. Blue California is a song I played 100 times in my bed and I lived through every lost love. Every time a friendship never became a relationship with love. That song made me weep as I thought I would die. I promise you, you really do not get more attached to a song than in those moments. Well that is true for me. Maybe you will listen to shit when you die. We are all, after all, apes.
There were other reasons. A devil may care three note baseline that moves with slick dynamism.
A simplicity of arrangement that I think speaks better. An uncomplicated willingness to speak directly to the listener.
The fact it is their shortest single for a while. That is not hyperbole or sarcasm. A good song does not need to be long.
This song is a masterpiece. Two songs by Golden Plates I will have played without stop in a year. Few bands will equal that for me in the year of my re-awakening.
Play it on Spotify. I only give a link to the songs that move me.
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